Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tying up all the loose ends

The last few days in London have consisted of me trying to check off the items on my list that I have not yet done in London. Really, at this point I feel pretty much satisfied. I've seen all the art galleries that I really wanted to see, I done all the tourist attractions that I was interested in, and I've tried all the British food that I've cared to try. Unfortunately, because there is simply so much to do in London, this month has just flown by. It feels like maybe a week ago that I arrived at Regent's college. It's so incredibly different from my study abroad experience in Spain. Granted, that program was a full 3 weeks longer than this one, but I also feel like it went by more slowly because I had down time. Salamanca is a small city that just doesn't have as much to do as London. I also had the siesta very day which afforded me a built-in chill time. I never take it easy here, because there has always been too much left to see and do. Tomorrow I might have to force myself to take it easy for the sake of getting my laundry done and packing for the rest of my travelling around Europe.

Today, though, a bunch of the girls went out for high tea at Kensington Palace's Orangery. This is the royal palace that Princess Diana used to live in. The tea-time meal was delicious. It included champagne, salmon sandwiches, a scone with clotted cream and jam with fresh berries, chocolate cake, and (of course) tea. The English always put milk in their tea. I tried it, but I prefer my tea sans the milk - I feel like it ruins the flavor.

After tea we did a quick run of Harrod's. I wanted to stay longer, but I was out voted; I'll just have to see if I can go back on my own in the next couple of days or when we get back to London after our travels. Chances are that I won't actually buy anthing there, but the place is absolutely enourmous and I only saw about 3 rooms of it.

At night we saw our final musical of the trip, Spamelot. It is basically the musical version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so it had quite a few good laughs in there. It wasn't the best musical that I've seen (and the tickets were a bit more expensive than I would have liked), but it was enjoyable.


Janie Kotwas said...

I definitely get the impression that you're more of a "city girl" at heart. Though it will be more difficult, I hope you will continue to blog while traveling.

Mark said...

Hi Baby,

Have a great time traveling around the rest of Europe. Be safe and let me know if you need anything.

Love Dad