Monday, July 2, 2007


It was back to class this morning for an enthralling discussion of solipsism in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. After which, we went to the British library to participate in a scavenger hunt! After a short while though, I think most of us realized that the scavenger hunt was creating a sort of mania that had us missing out on the things we really wanted to see in the library. These included original holy manuscripts from all over the world, Shakespeare's First Folio, illuminated copies of the Canterbury Tales, but my personal favorites were the original hand-written lyrics to Beatles songs, including "Yesterday" and "Ticket to Ride."

The afternoon was spent with a bit of shopping at Lilywhites, which is this ginormous sports clothing store. I didn't purchase anything, but a few of my friends were determined to get themsleves a couple of England football jersies.

Finally, we saw Wicked!!!!! I had seriously been looking forward to seeing this musical since before I even arrived in London! It was fantastic! I had actually read the book right after school let out in May, so I had a readily available comparison between the two in my mind. Towards the beginning of the play I was a little irritated by the deviance from the book, but by the end, the plot of the musical was so far off from the plot of the book that I didn't even care anymore. In this way, it became an entirely new story and experience, rather than just an irritatingly erroneous telling of the book. Honestly, though, it was soooo good. I would see it again in a heartbeat.


Janie Kotwas said...

I would have preferred the Beatle's lyrics as well.

Mark said...

It sounds like you continue to have a fantastic time. Keep in touch when you start your travels around Europe next week.

Love ya