Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another satisfying day

It's always a good start to the day when I don't have to be in class until 11. The down-side to later classes, however, was that I ended up with only 15 minutes to get changed, eat lunch, pack-up my backpack for the day, and walk to the tube stop (a 10-15 minute walk at a casual pace all on it's own)! It was kind of amusing to see a group of 40 people stuffing their lunches into their mouths on the move though.

The place that we were so furiously rushing to was another art exhibit with Sarah Kent. I was one of the first people who got to go in (only 5 allowed at a time), which was unfortunate, because I had no idea what I was looking at. Only after I had left the exhibit did I learn that what appeared to be inflatable pool toys hanging from the ceiling by chains were actually made out of metal. It was wild. They really really looked like blow-up toys. I couldn't believe it.

Then we went to a different art gallery to see an exhibit put out by Damien Hirst. The bottom floor was filled with some stange things that I would consider more along the lines of anatomy that art - like bisected cows and a shark preserved in formaldehyde. The real gem of the exhibit though was a human skull that had been inset with thousands (literally) of diamonds, so that the entire skull (I mean not a spot remaining) encrusted with diamonds. Needless to say, it was a high security exhibit. Only ten people were allowed in at a time and we were only allowed to look at it for two minutes; any and all bags had to be left outside. They also tried to make it extra dramatic by having the skull displayed in a small glass case in the center of the room while the room itself was pitch black. I didn't particularly like that aspect of it, because I kept bumping into people since we couldn't see each other. I don't know why anyone would ever want to put diamonds in a human skull; it's kind of macabre in its own way.

In the evening I went to see yet another musical. I'm really spoiled with all the cheap shows here; I'm afraid that I'm going to miss them when I come home. We saw Chicago, which was really intersting to be able to compare to the movie. I loved the actress who played Roxie in it - she was fantastic. The dancing was also really good, but seeing many of the scenes live made me realize just how well done the movie really is. The "Cell-Block Tango" for example, was better in the movie. Of course, I don't want to discredit the live performance; there are simply some things that can be done in film that can't be done on stage. I also got a kick out of the British actors trying to imitate American accents. Some were better than others at it, but they all tended to slip-up every once in a while. The word "pop" seemed to be particularly problematic for them.


Janie Kotwas said...

Heather -

It sounds like you really love London. Would you ever consider living there?

Heather Kotwas Wu said...

No! I would never consider living here. The weather is crappy. It makes me depressed.