Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tasteful Nudity?

Today started out with a lovely class discussion about our viewing of Othello yesterday. It was neat to hear the different ways that people had all experienced the same play. Class was followed by uploading pictures onto facebook - check the link on the right titled "Pictures" if you'd like to see them. We then had another good ol' lunch in the refectory then headed out with Team Awesome for the British Museum!

I loved the museum! We saw items from the Sutton Hoo exhibition, tons of mummies from ancient Egypt (that were kinda gross to look at), the biggest collection of Greek vases in the world, and legit pieces of the Parthenon! The best part was: it was free! One big difference I noticed between the American museums that I've been in and this one, was the density of material that is crammed into one room. The British museum just has soooooooooo much to look at; I actually liked it better that way. Oh, and of course we took numerous pictures emulating the poses of the various statues that we saw - I see a new photo album on the horizon: Me as a statue.

After the museum we had some more fun in phone booths as we walked over to Covent Garden, which was the coolest little outdoor market/ shopping center. I definitely want to go back another day to check it out more thouroughly. I bought myself a nice souvenier photo frame with three tinted pictures of some very "London" images. I'm excited about it.

After that, we headed out to see Cabaret! It was interesting- a little too artsy to my liking. I'm glad that I saw it, but I wouldn't be inclined to see it again. The playbill posted on the wall claimed that it had "tasteful nudity" - the British apparently have a lenient definition of what defines tasteful and/or nudity. I didn't even have to wait until Amsterdam...


Janet Partlow said...

How can you define nudity differently?

Teddy Wu said...

Wikipedia defines a cabaret as a "Mediterranean-style brothel." What exactly did you guys do there?

Mark said...


It sounds and looks like you're having a wonderful time. I love reading your blog each day.

Love you very much. Have fun honey.


Janie Kotwas said...

Sounds like quite an education we're paying for, eh?

Do you need me to come and chaperon?

Danny Kotwas said...

If you want to see taseful nudity, then you should check out Daniel Radcliff's pecker in "Equus." I hear it's tiny.