Wednesday, June 13, 2007

O, learning to push a wheelchair, and chicken tandoori

The highlight of the day was, by far, learning about the history of the globe theatre in class and then actually going to see a play in the reconstructed Globe. We saw Othello - it was so cool to be able to see a Shakespeare play in the theatre that he used to show them in. My seat was in the very top row of the balcony, and since the Globe is narrow and tall, I was essentially looking straight down on to the tops of the actors heads. For the second half of the show, however, I decided to enjoy it from the vantage point of a groundling, which was a better view and much more intimate with the actors. In true 16th century style, however, it was uncomfortable either way. It was cramped sitting (people used to be 10% shorter in Shakespeare's time!), though I did rent a cushion to ease the hardness of the wooden bench, and my legs got tired standing - but it was more than worth it to see a play in the Globe!

After the play we moved in mass towards what I would refer to as Indiatown. I somehow or other ended up with the task of pushing Allison's wheelchair through the streets of downtown London. It was amazing, the site of the chair parts the Red Sea - everyone just moves out of the way, cars stop to let you cross the street - if only it worked that way all the time! I can now refer to myself as a competent and practiced wheelchair pusher - I didn't even hit any ankles!

Once we finally got to Indiatown, I ended up splitting up from the massive group to eat dinner with only two other people from the program, which I think was nice because it allowed us to really get to know one another. I ordered chicken tandoori... which was delightful. And then we got lost trying to get back home after dinner. I think it ended up taking a full 2 hours.


Teddy Wu said...

I'm glad you got to eat Indian food since you like it so much!

Janie Kotwas said...

Did you guys change into superheros in those phone booths?

The garden looks beautiful, I can see why you love spending time there.

I enjoy experiencing London through your eyes.

Love and miss you - Mom


Great blog Heather! Keep up the good work!
LOVE the 60 pictures -- especially #14, #16(is that taken from the top of St. Paul's?),#18,#47(nice shades!),#51(is that Regent's Park?),and #59(I remember the Globe well, but never had the fortunate experience you did to see a play there). BTW, is there any way to assign names to some of the future photos to describe your location?
Also, please continue to keep alert for more 'unusual' signs -- I had a great chuckle from seeing: 'Adverse camber', 'Look Left', and 'No dumping of rubbish'.

Again, keep up the good work. Guaranteed I'll be a daily visitor.
Regards and Godspeed,
Jeff Partlow