Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 1 of "class" a success

The morning started out with an orientation and a tour of the college. My student ID/swipe card also now works properly, so I'm no longer getting locked in and out of buildings. After lunch we went to St. Paul's Church. I climbed 434 winding narrow stairs to see London from the very top of the dome. It was a great view, but my legs were shaking afterwards.

After St. Pau'ls we headed across the Thames via the millenium bridge to the Tate Modern - some of which I appreciated and some of which I didn't. Modern art is often a puzzle to me.

In the evening we headed for the theatre district to see Les Miserables. It was fantastic! It made me cry.

Unfortunately since I'm still running low on sleep, I won't be giving a more in depth update tonight!


Mark said...

Hi babe - sounds like your having a great time, that brings a smile to my heart.

You sound like your mom with shakey legs walking up hundreds of steps. I thought she was going to pass out on me walking up St. Peter's Basilica.

You sound like me crying during Les Miserables.

Love you honey. Have fun.

Janie Kotwas said...

Sounds like a great time. Don't forget to fit a little studying in...just kidding.

Post some pics when you get a chance.

Love you, Mom