Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I heart Roger Bowdler

The morning started out with a woderful class session - including a quiz on Boswell which I am sure that I aced, and a discussion of the play from the previous night. I'm sure the details would be boring, so I will exclude them from my blog.

At 2pm we met Sarah Kent at the Tate Britain where she gave us a tour through a photography exhibition. I'll admit that I was extremely apprehensive about the tour, since I disliked the one that she gave at the Hayward Gallery. It wasn't anything personal about her, but I had formed some bad connotations with her since the modern art experience. So, at this exhibit, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually liked it. Granted, I didn't appreciate all of the photographs, but as a whole I enjoyed it. Afterwards, I spent some time walking through the upstairs regular exhibitions of the Tate Britain. My favorite room was the one with the portraits of the Tudors, including Elizabeth I. I tend to like art that I feel gives me a window into the past, which obviously modern art does not do.

The evening was consumed by a 2 1/2 hour walking tour on the south back of the Thames with Roger Bowdler. It's a beautiful vantage point from the south bank, and anything with Roger Bowdler is a treat. I think that the entire group (males and females alike) have a ginormous crush on him... because he is just that British. The few of us that hung around after the tour to badger him with questions were also priveleged enough to go grab a drink with him at the Blackfriar's Pub. It is, allegedly, the best pub in London. What is unique about it are the paintings and mosaiqs retained from its original purpose as a monastic something or other. It was really quite an experience - like we were sitting in a piece of history drinking beer and cider.


Janet Partlow said...

Hahaha, this entry does sound a bit Boswell-ian as well as a bit like it was written after a trip to the pub. Ahh good times with Roger.

Janie Kotwas said...

I thought you and others would appreciate this link following your visit to Stonehenge. You may have to cut and paste to your browser. Love you.
