Monday, June 25, 2007

Changing of the Guards and a play

The morning started out by attending the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. After seeing the parade for the Queen's birthday however, I was a little disappointed. There wasn't as much pomp, not as many guards, the queen wasn't there, and I couldn't see anything because it was soooooooooo crowded - there was practically a wall of people surrounding the palace gates. It just wasn't worth it. Afterwards I came back to Regent's to update my blog (as I'm sure you've noticed). I decided to opt out of Jon Readey's Chelsea walk, as I had already been to Chelsea and because after my long weekend I really just needed to get my affairs in order.

I did, however, brave the streets of London on my own to make it out to Cynthia Wall's tea party. I got lost because of inadequate street labelling, in the pouring rain, so that by the time I finally found the flat I was soaked. Once there, however, I became nice an cozy with a cup of tea and some biscuits! I even got to try quail eggs, which taste exactly like chicken eggs to me, only smaller. Professor Wall has a beautiful little flat (and I do mean little); I was especially impressed by the crown moulding and the design on the ceiling - not to mention her collection of books! My dream is to one day have a room in my home completely devoted to my books. I would love to have original sets like Professor Wall has, though I feel that may be far in the future for me. When I was at Portabello market last week I was very tempted to buy some old copies of Bronte and Dickens books, but I because A) I already have copies of the books, only newer and not as cool, and B) I didn't want to buy too many things that I will have to carry back home with me in my suitcase!

The night was topped off by a play called Betrayal, which I have mixed feelings about. The theater was different from the others that I've been to so far. This one reminded me a lot of Culbreth theater at UVA, intimate with the audiece on three sides. I'm not sure I really like the set-up though - probably because I had a crappy seat and couldn't see half the theater from where I was sitting unless I leaned forward.


Teddy Wu said...

You always talk about that dream of yours to have a room filled with books!

Janie Kotwas said...

Heather - if you see books (or anything else) that you love but are concerned about their transport home, why don't you check into shipping.

Love you!